Heartwarming moments and positive developments

Hello and welcome to my spring blog!

With the arrival of spring, we find ourselves basking in the promise of lighter evenings and warmer weather. It’s a time of renewal and hope, and here at Friends of the Elderly, we have much to share about the heartwarming moments and positive developments that have unfolded over the past few months.

Firstly, I am thrilled to announce the wonderful results of our Winter Appeal, which ran from November 2023 to March 2024.

Thanks to the incredible kindness and generosity of our supporters, we’ve raised over £18,000!

These funds have been instrumental in providing crucial assistance to older, vulnerable people in need.

Through the Winter Appeal, we were able to distribute 330 grants.

These included ensuring that 29 older people were provided with warm beds in their own homes, so they didn’t have to sleep on the floor or without a duvet; 94 people received support with heating costs, and 16 had essential repairs made to their homes.

Additionally, financial aid was extended for boiler repairs and new carpets, helping to secure the safety and comfort of those we support.

We have been very fortunate to have received a lot of press coverage of our activities over the last few months. From heartwarming stories of birthdays celebrated by our care home residents to the joy of regular visits from our beloved Pets As Therapy Dog, Winnie, our endeavours have touched the hearts of many.

February brought forth more moments of joy and celebration. At our residential care home in Woking, Bernard Sunley, residents marked milestone birthdays and embraced the spirit of Valentine’s Day with a special event. Meanwhile, at Friends of the Elderly Malvern, we welcomed Jo Bennett as our new General Manager – a seasoned professional with a passion for delivering exceptional care.

March was a time of appreciation and reflection. On Employee Appreciation Day, we honoured the dedication of our long-serving staff members, whose commitment is the cornerstone of our charity’s success.

International Women’s Day provided an opportunity to spotlight the inspiring journeys of care professionals like Shirley Bradley, our Head of Day Care Services, and Emma Lawrance, Care Home Manager at Little Bramingham Farm, whose unwavering dedication to caring for others is truly commendable.

As spring blossomed, so did our outreach efforts. We opened our doors to 90 eager pupils from Somers Park School, offering them a glimpse into history and the legacy of Charles Dyson Perrins, the former owner of our Davenham residential care home, in Malvern.

As we embrace the spirit of spring, I extend my warmest wishes to all our supporters and readers.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how you can support Friends of the Elderly, please visit our website or engage with our social media.




Chief Executive of Friends of the Elderly


Steve Allen, Chief Executive of Friends of the Elderly, writes a regular blog which gives insight into his role at the Charity.
He offers information and advice about important areas affecting older people and their families. Steve can be reached at chiefexecutive@fote.org.uk. 

Watch this space for more of Steve’s posts.